
We started in 1991

Robert Bosch company was registered in Poland in 1991. The company operates commercially since 1992. In the beginning the company employed a few people and generated around 10 mln PLN a year. At the moment, the Bosch Group employs in Poland more than 5 thousand people and achieves turnover of 5.04 bln PLN. Automotive Aftermarket, Power Tools and Junkers were the first divisions to start their activity.

1994 – 1999

In 1999 the company employed already over 200 people and was running BSH plants in Łódź and braking systems plant in Twardogóra. Power Tools division develops dynamically; new brands, such as SKIL or Dremel, are introduced into the market.

2000 – 2005

Bosch starts to offer complete solutions for large construction projects: from power tools, through security systems, thermotechnology and household appliances, to complex pneumatic and hydraulic systems. The product offer is complemented by consulting and technical support at the highest level.

2008 – 2012

Bosch creates IT competence center and starts to actively support modern technical education. Robert Bosch Academy of Inventors program, aimed at inspiring students of lower secondary schools to pursue technical education, is launched.

2013 – 2017

Take-over of a large and dynamically growing BSH organization in 2015, with five production plants and leading position in the market of household appliances, expands the scale of concern’s activity in Poland. In 2016, Bosch took over BTS Company, responsible for packaging and local distribution of abrasive systems in Poland and in the Baltic region. sia Abrasives Poland is formed. Manufacturing plant for braking systems in Wrocław started the production line of state of the art braking systems iBooster, increasing nearly twice its turnover and the number of employees.



5.04 bln

At the moment, the Bosch Group in Poland employs more than 5 thousand people and achieves turnover of 5.04 bln PLN.